Freitag, 31. Dezember 2010
Game: ALFA: Antiterror
Rundenbasiert ziehen Taktiker seit August 2006 in ALFA: Antiterror gegen Geiselnehmer und Attentäter rund um den Globus ins Gefecht. Sie kommandieren bis zu acht Teammitglieder, die laut Ankündigung über individuelle Persönlichkeiten verfügen - ähnlich wie in Jagged Alliance - und sich aus einem umfangreichen Arsenal von Handfeuerwaffen und Spezialausrüstung bedienen. Für Realitätsnähe sorgt, dass die Kampagnen auf tatsächlichen Erlebnissen ehemaliger ALFA-Kämpfer zwischen 1983 und 2001 basieren. Ein recht nettes, wenn auch nicht weltbewegendes Spiel für Taktiker und zukünftige Kommandeure!
Download : Demo ALFA Antiterror (eng)
Ein neuer Shop aus Polen der hauptsächlich altes Zeug aus der UDSSR (poln. ZSSR), aktuelles aus der Russichen Föderation sowie viel polnisches Gear quer durch die Geschichte auf Lager hat.
Die Preise sind auch recht billig im Vergleich zu anderen Shops. Und das schönste: Der Shop ist in Polen! Derweil hört man nur Gutes, aber man muss sich beeilen wenn man etwas haben will, da vieles sehr schnell vergriffen sein kann.Dennoch dieser Shop hat Massenhaft guten und seltenen Kram! Und neuer Kram kommt auch noch:
Und falls jemand direkt vorbei schauen will:
Und hier noch ein paar Bilder vom Shop bei der Militärmesse Ciney/Belgien 2010:
MP3: (Various Artists) BRATISHKA CD
Im Jahre 2008 hat das Bratishka Zine eine CD heraus
gebracht mit diversen Interpreten:

Auf dieser CD befinden sich 100 Songs und kann in
einem Stück gedownloadet werden. Viel Spass dabei!
Zum Download klicke hier!
gebracht mit diversen Interpreten:
Auf dieser CD befinden sich 100 Songs und kann in
einem Stück gedownloadet werden. Viel Spass dabei!
Zum Download klicke hier!
Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010
Download: BRATISHKA Zine 1-9 (2008)
Diesmal habe ich es euch einfacher gemacht und pro Download gleich 3 Ausgaben zum Download gestellt. Das Zine ist wieder komplett in Russisch und trumpft aber mit sehr guten Bildern. Diesmal gibt es Ausgabe 1-9 aus dem Jahre 2008.
Um die PDF Dateien lesen zu können,braucht ihr den Adobe Reader!

Zum Download:
Part 1 "Bratishka Zine Nr1/Nr2/Nr3"
Part 2 "Bratishka Zine Nr4/Nr5/Nr6"
Part 3 "Bratishka Zine Nr7/Nr8/Nr9"
Um die PDF Dateien lesen zu können,braucht ihr den Adobe Reader!
Zum Download:
Part 1 "Bratishka Zine Nr1/Nr2/Nr3"
Part 2 "Bratishka Zine Nr4/Nr5/Nr6"
Part 3 "Bratishka Zine Nr7/Nr8/Nr9"
6b7 Repro Helme erhältlich! cloned an RS 6b7 in China, that we are now selling. The helmet is a reproduction in glass fiber of the russian helmet model 6B7. The helmets are green with camouflage painting. The weight is about 1,15kg each. There are two minor details that differ from the original, the clasp for the chinstrap, and how the furniture is fastened to the interior of the helmet.
Der Helm kostet umgerechnet ca 85€ exklusive Versand und ist ab sofort unter:
Mittwoch, 29. Dezember 2010
Pics: Special Operation in the New Kyahulae (Makhachkala)
Zum Hintergrund:
Special Operation in the New Kyahulae (Makhachkala)

In the course of an additional inspection of the FSB special operation engineers have found a third ready to use IEDs, told the RIA "Dagestan" representative of the NAC.According to our interlocutor, a homemade bomb was a galvanized pail packed with striking elements with protruding wires.Power of the bomb was 8 kg of TNT. "In total, in a house destroyed by militants was found three improvised explosive devices ready for use, the total capacity of which amounted to 11.5 kg of TNT. According to intelligence, the insurgent preparing to bring a bomb into effect New Year's Eve "- said our source. Thus, the FSB republic prevent three major terrorist attack. As reported RIA "Dagestan", the CTO regime in the village of New Kyahulay (a suburb of Makhachkala) on the street Karabudakhkent was introduced on December 29, 06.30, after a private home, law enforcement officials have blocked a member of illegal armed groups.On offer to surrender gunman opened fire with automatic weapons. As law enforcement officers stormed 08.00, which resulted in the offender had been destroyed. (Quelle)
Und nun noch ein paar sehr interessante Bilder:
(zum vergrößern einfach auf das Bild klicken!)

Special Operation in the New Kyahulae (Makhachkala)
In the course of an additional inspection of the FSB special operation engineers have found a third ready to use IEDs, told the RIA "Dagestan" representative of the NAC.According to our interlocutor, a homemade bomb was a galvanized pail packed with striking elements with protruding wires.Power of the bomb was 8 kg of TNT. "In total, in a house destroyed by militants was found three improvised explosive devices ready for use, the total capacity of which amounted to 11.5 kg of TNT. According to intelligence, the insurgent preparing to bring a bomb into effect New Year's Eve "- said our source. Thus, the FSB republic prevent three major terrorist attack. As reported RIA "Dagestan", the CTO regime in the village of New Kyahulay (a suburb of Makhachkala) on the street Karabudakhkent was introduced on December 29, 06.30, after a private home, law enforcement officials have blocked a member of illegal armed groups.On offer to surrender gunman opened fire with automatic weapons. As law enforcement officers stormed 08.00, which resulted in the offender had been destroyed. (Quelle)
Und nun noch ein paar sehr interessante Bilder:
(zum vergrößern einfach auf das Bild klicken!)
Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010
Download: BRATISHKA (2007)
Es ist pro Zeitung auf 1000 Stück limitiert und leider sehr schwer zu bekommen! Nichts desto trotz werde ich euch jede Ausgabe des Zines auf meinen Blog zum Download bereit stellen! Natürlich ist die Zeitung komplett auf Russisch, aber alle Nicht-Russen werden durch die Spitzen Bilder entschädigt!
Und los gehts mit allen Ausgaben die ich aus dem Jahr 2007 finden konnte:
(klickt entweder auf das Cover für den Download Link)
>> Download Bratishka Zine #1 <<
>> Download Bratishka Zine #2 <<
>> Download Bratishka Zine #3 <<
>> Download Bratishka Zine #4 <<
>> Download Bratishka Zine #5 <<
>> Download Bratishka Zine #8 <<
>> Download Bratishka Zine #10 <<
>> Download Bratishka Zine #12 <<
um das PDF anzuschauen, müsst ihr euch den Adobe Reader downloaden!
Montag, 27. Dezember 2010
..about Spetsnaz GRU
The Spetsnaz GRU, or Russian army special forces, are the original Spetsnaz and are generally considered the best trained units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as evidenced by both its seniority among the Special Forces (Spetsnaz GRU are much older than their KGB (formerly Tcheka) Osnaz counterparts and their colleagues from the MVD) and their reputation within the Union (Cf. V.Suvorov). They are a special unit under the control of GRU (Glavnoye Razvedyvatel’noye Upravleniye is the acronym for the foreign military intelligence directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation).

During World War II reconnaissance and diversionary forces were formed under the supervision of the Second Department of the General Staff. These forces were subordinate to the commanders of Fronts. The situation was reviewed after the war ended, and between 1947 and 1950 the whole of the GRU was reorganised. The first ‘independent reconnaissance companies of special purpose’ were formed in 1949, to work for tank and combined-arms armies. In 1957, the first Spetsnaz battalions were formed, five to eliminate enemy nuclear weapons systems such as MGR-3 Little John and MGM-1 Matador.The first brigades were formed in 1962, reportedly to reach up to 750 kilometres in the rear to destroy U.S. weapons systems such as the MGM-52 Lance, MGM-29 Sergeant, and MGM-31 Pershing. Two ‘study regiments’ were established in the 1960s to train specialists and NCOs, the first in 1968 at Pechora near Pskov, and the second in 1970 at Chirchik near Tashkent.Later operations included Operation Storm-333.

During World War II reconnaissance and diversionary forces were formed under the supervision of the Second Department of the General Staff. These forces were subordinate to the commanders of Fronts. The situation was reviewed after the war ended, and between 1947 and 1950 the whole of the GRU was reorganised. The first ‘independent reconnaissance companies of special purpose’ were formed in 1949, to work for tank and combined-arms armies. In 1957, the first Spetsnaz battalions were formed, five to eliminate enemy nuclear weapons systems such as MGR-3 Little John and MGM-1 Matador.The first brigades were formed in 1962, reportedly to reach up to 750 kilometres in the rear to destroy U.S. weapons systems such as the MGM-52 Lance, MGM-29 Sergeant, and MGM-31 Pershing. Two ‘study regiments’ were established in the 1960s to train specialists and NCOs, the first in 1968 at Pechora near Pskov, and the second in 1970 at Chirchik near Tashkent.Later operations included Operation Storm-333.
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