Donnerstag, 21. März 2013

March 21, 2013, Moscow - Makhachkala

Information Center of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee reports the results of the counter-terrorist operation conducted by the Operational Headquarters in Makhachkala:
Yesterday, during the working out of the FSB intelligence about the possible whereabouts "Gimrinsky" gang, was found alleged hideouts bandits. A few houses down the street Moscow Samandar village on the outskirts of Makhachkala, which could be gangsters, have been blocked by special units of the FSB and the Interior Ministry.
It is known that the leader of "Gimrinsky" gang Gadzhidadaev Ibrahim and his gang were involved in a number of daring and violent crimes committed in Makhachkala and in Untsukulsky district of Dagestan. In particular, it was found that they had participated in the murder of the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Dagestan in 2005, and three police officers accompanying him, nine villagers Gonod Gunibsky district in 2007. Total gang leaders he personally participated in a total of more than 30 murders of law enforcement officers, prosecutors, deputies, representatives of governments and other authorities. Together with other gangsters he provided numerous armed robberies and robberies, extortion of money from businessmen and kidnapping.
Decision of the management of the Operational Headquarters in the operational-search activities by law enforcement agencies was introduced legal regime of counter-terrorism operations.
In order to prevent potential victims from the civil population the evacuation of residents of nearby houses, which have led to withdraw from the area of the possible clash of four women, two teenagers and five children. Security forces were also able to take steps to defuse tensions caused by provocative statements of individuals are essentially accomplices thugs who accused the law enforcement agencies in taking inadequate measures, tried to break through the cordon to block traffic on a street and provoke unrest.
Is in the house the bandits were asked to lay down their arms and surrender. However, they took refuge in an underground bunker under the house.
Around 22.00 the active phase raid. Special forces began to storm the building. As a result of the clashes, which lasted throughout the night, nahodivshiesyav bunker militants were neutralized. Unfortunately during the fire contact with the bandits killed one Russian FSB special forces officer, two others injured. Taken steps to find another law enforcement officer.
Currently being neutralized identification bandits. Implement further operational and combat activities and investigations.

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